Teaching Your Child To Read

Once upon a time there was a “plague” in the country and everyone tried to stay home and away from each other. Children didn’t even go to school!

During that time, I made a few videos to help parents with young children teach those children to read.

Today I stumbled upon one of those lessons. I am going to put the link to it in my blog. This video is several years old, but the content is still valid. It may put you to sleep. I have no idea.

I just know if you are going to succeed as a writer, you want as many people to be able to read as possible.

That was NOT the reason I made the videos, but for some reason I am sharing one of my Teaching Your Child To Read videos here right now.

I had two articles published a few years ago in Teachers of Vision Magazine. One was titled “The Classroom Read Aloud” and the other was “How to Get Your Students to Write More”.

That is your take away from this blog for today. If you know how to do something others may not know how to do, or even just want to learn more about doing, you can turn that idea into a sellable article.

I could have written this as well as made the video, but I was trying to show how to do what I was talking about.

Here you go, if you have any interest: