Book #4

The book I’ve been editing has been called my Current Book. It is a book of short stories. Editing it has been one of the hardest editing jobs I’ve ever done. I considered taking a break from it in November to do NaNoWriMo.

As I struggled to think of a novel plot to write for that project, I kept remembering what I call Book #4, since it is the fourth of many books that I want to write and get published. I will work on that book for NaNoWriMo.

I read a good blog yesterday about NaNoWriMo   and got fired up about it. I will use that blog’s preparation ideas and for the month of November, I’ll focus on writing Book #4.

I need to write 50,000 words, which equals about 1667 words per day.

On the first website above, which is a wikipedia website. I saw that  “CreateSpace teamed up with NaNoWriMo to begin offering winners a single free, paperback proof copy of their manuscripts, with the option to use the proof to then sell the novel on” and “In 2011, CreateSpace offered winners five free, paperback proof copies of their manuscripts.”

There is other information about the NaNoWriMo Project at the wikipedia website, if you want to participate.

I’ll continue to edit Book #3, while waiting for November 1. At that time I will take a break from that difficult editing task to write Book #4. I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2012 and won. I have no idea where the novel is that I wrote that month. I believe that was the year some of my children were not able to come for Thanksgiving, and I did it to distract myself from my disappointment. That’s the paradox of motherhood. We train our children with an eye toward their eventual independence, and yet when they reach that independence, we are often saddened.

But, NaNoWriMo . . . I’ll be there this year and I look forward to it. I do NOT look forward to editing Book #3, but with only six more days of that torture, I’ll continue doing it. I do not think I will ever upload another book to Createspace until it is completely finished. What made me think I could put a short story book into the format and then go back to tidy it up is beyond me. It seemed like a good idea at the time. My stories are written, not in any particular order, but when I figured out the order, I thought I’d just upload each story and then go back and edit. It’s proven to be very difficult. But I’ll soldier on with that task for six more days.


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